December 24
Dear Santa:
What may I wish to you, in all your attire, balancing thought-filled objectives and heart-filled desire?
If I expressed some hopes for friends and society, would such hopes be okay? Would Santa agree?
The end of cancer; a cure for MS; peace for refugees, with homes to bless;
Outbreaks of understanding, charity, and compassion, receiving more efforts than entertainment and fashion;
The removal of hatred; resolution of dispute; appreciation for Nature (not just "furry and cute");
Decisions for "the Earth" instead of "the market"; Love for each other, with leaders to hark it;
Always for each child, a planet of fun, a planet for God: have we even begun?
There's so much to wish for, so much to achieve, so preoccupied to notice the Gift to receive.
But if forced to select one from the wish list pile, as a token of God's grace since the first drops in the Nile...
Oh! for world and I to always see my Soulmate's smile....
Vernon R.J. Schmid
Your comments, suggestions, questions, or concerns would be very much appreciated. Please direct them to:
Last Updated: 2005-01-23.