
My Love:

During these past, discombobulated months, when many were sure the world was ending, I found reasons for cheer due to personal contemplations: my ever-growing love for you. The Universe began when God created your smile, the Angels' singing burst forth when God turned Happiness into your voice, and God proved the Joy in Heaven when I first saw the twinkling of your eyes, as brilliant as all the stars everywhere.

It does not seem possible that that instant of exaltation was more than a minute ago (let alone hours or months or years or even a decade or two ago). That "Life really is a wonderful series of Nows..." is always proven by any time spent with you or for you.

It is no surprise, then, that that instant blossomed into something more infinite. For therein -- in each moment with you and especially for you -- is an exemplification of something the Father of St. Charles noted nearly eighteen months ago: to stand in love. The thrill of falling in love with you is nurtured (and made all the more enrapturing) by the thrills of standing in love with you -- in our shared giggles, in our mutual enthusiasms -- and by the inspirations of standing in love for you -- in almost clairvoyant quests, in quiet prayers, in anticipation of anything I could do that (even if unknown) might add to your glorious smiles.

Maybe the patience implied by standing in love is what the heralding Angels were hinting with "Peace on Earth; good will towards others." As that exceptional, exhilarating moment becomes decades, my heartfelt considerations all have at their core one fundamental truth (and may God (still... always...) help me if there is a limit to the different ways I can tell you or show you): I love you, to the very depths of every aspect of my existence; and, when we're apart, I miss you at least as much.

Yours... Truly Yours,

Vernon R.J. Schmid


Your comments, suggestions, questions, or concerns would be very much appreciated. Please direct them to: vschmid@telus.net.

Copyright ©2008 Vernon R.J. Schmid.  All rights reserved.
Created: 2008-12-24.
